Richard Clough
M, #226, Deceased
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Armistead Terrell Townes; Townes Family History written 1853 by unknown; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Mary Walker,
Richard Clough,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
James Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Rev. William Leigh,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Eggeleston Dick Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Ann Pride, Possible,
Eliza Meek,
James Armistead Townes,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes
- [S31] Unknown, 1853 Family History
Townes Line | Partner of Elizabeth Townes (daughter of William Townes) |
Last Edited | 7 September 2021 00:33:00 |
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Lucy Burton Watkins
F, #227, Deceased
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Last Edited | 24 August 2021 09:15:00 |
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Peter Branch (de Braunche)
M, #228, Deceased, b. 1378
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Elizabeth Terrell Townes
F, #229, Deceased, b. 1760, d. 1795
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William Townes; History (unknown author) based on letter written c. 1916 to a William by a grandson of Armistead Townes.; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Zachariah Greenhill Leigh,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Bettie B. Wallace,
Martha Allen Townes,
Mary Walker,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Elizabeth ("Betty") Allen,
John Leigh Townes,
Elizabeth Judith Townes, Possible,
James Townes,
John Townes Leigh,
Malie Leigh,
Rev. William Leigh,
Martha Mary Allen Leigh,
Richard Henry Leigh,
Elizabeth Greenhill Leigh,
Cartherine Leigh,
Elizabeth J. Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Judith Townes,
John Charles Townes,
John Charles Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Edmund Walker,
Hannah Walker, and
Rebecca Walker
Last Edited | 30 September 2021 22:31:00 |
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John Townes, Jr.
M, #230, Deceased, b. 15 November 1761, d. 28 July 1846
(Research):See attached sources.
1,2 He was born in New Kent, Virginia and moved to Amelia, Virginia, most likely with his father. He worked closely with his father on business affair as a planter. The family lived in Amelia when it was still largely unsettled and their names appear on orders related to the construction of new roads.
There is a belief that he was a soldier in the Revolutionary War -- which may be true. At least one applicant to the Sons of the American Revolution claimed him as an ancester who was a soldier. However, it is possible that the record actually refers to another John Townes (possibly John Dudley Townes). The records are included here but should be taken with grains of salt.
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Birth 1760 | Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia, United States
Death: 25 July 1811 | Amelia, Virginia, United States
Foot of Leigh Mountain, Farmville, Virginia, United States
Leigh Mountain, Farmville, Va.
15 November 1761 | Amelia, Virginia, British Colonial America
John Townes, Jr., was mentioned in the will of
John Townes in 1805.
7 March 1808 | Amelia, Virginia
1820 | Amelia, Virginia, United States
Armistead and John and Allen and Paschel Townes of Amelia listed among residents of Virginia in 1850.(From Towne Talk newsletter.)
William Townes; Early Townes Sources; W:
John Townes,
Elizabeth Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
James Townes,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Lucy Worsham,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Martha B. Townes,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Armistead Terrell Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Lavinia Mosley Townes,
Lafayette Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
Mary Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Lucy Worsham Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Cathrine Townes,
Dr. James Monroe Townes,
Lucy Finney Walker,
Mary H. Overton,
Indiana and Louisiana Townes,
Richmond Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes2023
Armistead Terrell Townes; Townes Family History written 1853 by unknown; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Richard Clough,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Mary Walker,
Richard Clough,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
James Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Rev. William Leigh,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Eggeleston Dick Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Ann Pride, Possible,
Eliza Meek,
James Armistead Townes,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes2023
William Townes; History (unknown author) based on letter written c. 1916 to a William by a grandson of Armistead Townes.; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Zachariah Greenhill Leigh,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Bettie B. Wallace,
Martha Allen Townes,
Mary Walker,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Elizabeth ("Betty") Allen,
John Leigh Townes,
Elizabeth Judith Townes, Possible,
James Townes,
John Townes Leigh,
Malie Leigh,
Rev. William Leigh,
Martha Mary Allen Leigh,
Richard Henry Leigh,
Elizabeth Greenhill Leigh,
Cartherine Leigh,
Elizabeth J. Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Judith Townes,
John Charles Townes,
John Charles Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Edmund Walker,
Hannah Walker, and
Rebecca Walker
- [S85] John Charles Townes, "S.A.R. Geneology for Townes," Report
- [S102] John Charles Townes Jr. Townes, database
- [S51] John Townes Will
- [S83] Edwin Eugene Towne Towne, The Descendents of William Townes Who Came To America and Settked in Salem Mass.
- [S118] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, i FamilySearchi0, accessed 17 Sep 2022), entry for Armistead Terrell Townes, person ID KCJD-V9W.
- [S57], John Townes Jr. FindaGrave
Townes Line | Grandson of William Townes |
Last Edited | 15 January 2024 23:12:00 |
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Elizabeth Leigh
F, #231, Deceased, b. 1760, d. 25 July 1811
Conflicting death information needs verification.
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Birth 15 November 1761 | Amelia, Virginia, British Colonial America
Death: 28 July 1846
Leigh Mountain, Farmville, Va.
1760 | Farmville, Prince Edward, Virginia, United States
25 July 1811 | Amelia, Virginia, United States
Armistead Terrell Townes; Townes Family History written 1853 by unknown; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Richard Clough,
John Townes, Jr.,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Mary Walker,
Richard Clough,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
James Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Rev. William Leigh,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Eggeleston Dick Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Ann Pride, Possible,
Eliza Meek,
James Armistead Townes,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes2023
William Townes; Early Townes Sources; W:
John Townes,
Elizabeth Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
James Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Lucy Worsham,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Martha B. Townes,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Armistead Terrell Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Lavinia Mosley Townes,
Lafayette Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
Mary Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Lucy Worsham Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Cathrine Townes,
Dr. James Monroe Townes,
Lucy Finney Walker,
Mary H. Overton,
Indiana and Louisiana Townes,
Richmond Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes
- [S54] Elizabeth Leigh Townes
- [S56], Elizabeth Leigh Townes FindAGrave
Townes Line | Partner of John Townes, Jr. (grandson of William Townes) |
Last Edited | 15 January 2024 21:21:00 |
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Paschal Leigh Townes1
M, #232, Deceased, b. 3 November 1794, d. 1876
Pascall was born 3 Nov 1794 and died 28 Mar 1876. He was married to Mary Harwood Overton in 1816 and had six children with her: Mary Ann Elizabeth Townes (1819-1862), John Armistead Townes (1817-1883), James Paschal Townes (1822-1840), Martha Jane Townes Hillsman (1822-1889), Nannie Leigh Townes (1828-1852). He was second married to Lucy Finney Walker Townes (1803)1866) in 1831 and had two children with her: George W. Townes (1832-1906) and Lucy Finney Townes Hinkle (1835-1917).
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Birth December 1816 | Amelia County, Virginia
Death: 1846 | McClean, Kentucky
Old list of Children
Find A Grave Webpage
Paschal Leigh Townes
John Leigh Townes; John L. Townes gift to Children; W:
Martha Cousins Betts,
Robert Jones Townes,
Polly Segar Eggleston,
Henry Eggleston Townes,
Eggeleston Dick Townes,
Elizabeth J. Townes,
Dr. James Monroe Townes,
John Charles Townes,
Kate Wildbahn,
John Charles Townes, Jr.,
Lucy Finney Walker,
Mary H. Overton, and
Elizabeth Leigh 1794
3 November 1794 | Amelia, Virginia
Paschal Leigh Townes named in Virginia Census
1876 | EVERLY CEMETERY #1, Kentucky
Armistead Terrell Townes; Townes Family History written 1853 by unknown; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Richard Clough,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Mary Walker,
Richard Clough,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
James Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Rev. William Leigh,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Eggeleston Dick Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Ann Pride, Possible,
Eliza Meek,
James Armistead Townes,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes2023
William Townes; Early Townes Sources; W:
John Townes,
Elizabeth Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
James Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Lucy Worsham,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Martha B. Townes,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Armistead Terrell Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Lavinia Mosley Townes,
Lafayette Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
Mary Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Lucy Worsham Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Cathrine Townes,
Dr. James Monroe Townes,
Lucy Finney Walker,
Mary H. Overton,
Indiana and Louisiana Townes,
Richmond Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes
- [S100] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, i FamilySearchi0, accessed 17 Nov 2021), entry for Paschal Leigh Townes, person ID 9JRL-8Y7.
Townes Line | Great-grandson of William Townes |
Last Edited | 12 December 2021 23:34:00 |
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Richard Branch (de Braunche)
M, #233, Deceased, b. 1359
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Priscilla Allen Townes
F, #234, Deceased, b. 26 December 1763, d. 25 May 1815
Check marriage. Several sources say she was wife but one source (Sons of Amrican Revoluition Magazione) says is was Elizabeth T. Townes.
1 To View Images: 1) Click on icon by thumbnail image to enlarge slightly. Close by clicking X. 2) To enlarge more click "Open Full Size" below enlarged image. 3) To zoom in more on Full Size image click Magnifying Glass icon. 3) To close Full Size image click browser's back button. (You can also download and save images.)
26 December 1763 | Virginia, United States
5 January 1784
Priscilla Allen Townes was married on 5 January 1784 Amelia Marriage Binds.
5 January 1784 | Amelia, Virginia, United States
Age 21
Birth 13 November 1762 | Leighs Mountain, Prince Edward, Virginia, United States
Death: 27 January 1817 | Madison, Mississippi, United States
15 January 1784 | Amelia, Amelia, Virginia, United States
15 January 1784; Amelia, Amelia, Virginia, United States; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Zachariah Greenhill Leigh,
John Townes Leigh,
Rev. William Leigh,
Martha Mary Allen Leigh,
Richard Henry Leigh,
Elizabeth Greenhill Leigh, and
Cartherine Leigh1805~42
Priscilla Allen Townes was mentioned in the will of
John Townes in 1805.
7 March 1808 | Amelia, Virginia
7 March 1808; Amelia, Virginia; Bond including John Townes and Z. Leigh; W:
John Townes, Jr.,
25 May 1815 | Amelia, Virginia, United States
Armistead Terrell Townes; Townes Family History written 1853 by unknown; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Richard Clough,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Mary Walker,
Richard Clough,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
James Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Rev. William Leigh,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Eggeleston Dick Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Ann Pride, Possible,
Eliza Meek,
James Armistead Townes,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes2023
William Townes; History (unknown author) based on letter written c. 1916 to a William by a grandson of Armistead Townes.; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Zachariah Greenhill Leigh,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Bettie B. Wallace,
Martha Allen Townes,
Mary Walker,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Elizabeth ("Betty") Allen,
John Leigh Townes,
Elizabeth Judith Townes, Possible,
James Townes,
John Townes Leigh,
Malie Leigh,
Rev. William Leigh,
Martha Mary Allen Leigh,
Richard Henry Leigh,
Elizabeth Greenhill Leigh,
Cartherine Leigh,
Elizabeth J. Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Judith Townes,
John Charles Townes,
John Charles Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Edmund Walker,
Hannah Walker, and
Rebecca Walker2023
William Townes; Early Townes Sources; W:
John Townes,
Elizabeth Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
James Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Lucy Worsham,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Martha B. Townes,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Armistead Terrell Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Lavinia Mosley Townes,
Lafayette Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
Mary Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Lucy Worsham Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Cathrine Townes,
Dr. James Monroe Townes,
Lucy Finney Walker,
Mary H. Overton,
Indiana and Louisiana Townes,
Richmond Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes
- [S67] Other marriage info for Zacharia Leigh
- [S34] William and Mary Quarterly, Townse Marriages
- [S75] Unknown, Priscilla Townes and Z. G. Leigh
Townes Line | Granddaughter of William Townes |
Last Edited | 15 January 2024 22:13:00 |
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Zachariah Greenhill Leigh1
M, #235, Deceased, b. 13 November 1762, d. 27 January 1817
Check marriage to Elizabeth or Judith -- But possible explanation. According to FiindaGrave he and his sister Elizabeth married siblings in the Townes family-- he married Judith Townes. She Married John Townes Jr.
Zachariah Greenhill Leigh was born November 13, 1762, in Farmville, Prince Edward county, Virginia, son of John Leigh (1737 - 1785) and Elizabeth (Greenhill) Leigh (1740 - 1820) [1] Zachariah was named for his paternal grandfather, Zachariah Leigh, who was born in Surrey, England in 1704, and immigrated to Prince Edward County, Virginia.
Will of Zachariah Leigh, written on April 9, 1770, proved November 19, 1770, at the Prince Edward county Courthouse, Will Book #1, page 123
I give and devise the tract of land whereon I now Live, to my grandsons, ZACHARIAH GREENHILL LEIGH and PASCHAL GREENHILL LEIGH, to be equally divided by my executors and their Heirs, for as much as it may be advantage of my two grandsons the land was sold, and other lands purchased up the country for the same use and purpose as the above and should my executors judge most advantage of my estate, and Grandsons, then they are devised and desire by me, and it is my pleasure that the land be sold at any time before my grandson ZACHARIAH GREENHILL LEIGH comes of age, as my executors shall judge convenient or fit, and the lands purchased to the amount their land sold for, the aforesaid subject to the use of my executors for the purpose of working my slaves there on, for the right of my grandchildren aforesaid, as long as they shall see convenient or expedient. [2].
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Military Record and Family
Note:Has different Townes wife than other sources
John Townes Leigh; French, L. L. L., Monnette, O. E. (1915). Spirit of Patriotism as Evidenced by the Revolutionary and Ancestral Records of the Society, Sons of the Revolution of the State of California. United States: Standard printing Company.; W:
Priscilla Allen Townes and
Elizabeth M. Giles 1762
13 November 1762 | Leighs Mountain, Prince Edward, Virginia, United States
5 January 1784 | Amelia, Virginia, United States
Age 20
Birth 26 December 1763 | Virginia, United States
Death: 25 May 1815 | Amelia, Virginia, United States
15 January 1784 | Amelia, Amelia, Virginia, United States
15 January 1784;
Priscilla Allen Townes; Amelia, Amelia, Virginia, United States; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
John Townes Leigh,
Rev. William Leigh,
Martha Mary Allen Leigh,
Richard Henry Leigh,
Elizabeth Greenhill Leigh, and
Cartherine Leigh181754
27 January 1817 | Madison, Mississippi, United States
William Townes; History (unknown author) based on letter written c. 1916 to a William by a grandson of Armistead Townes.; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Bettie B. Wallace,
Martha Allen Townes,
Mary Walker,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Elizabeth ("Betty") Allen,
John Leigh Townes,
Elizabeth Judith Townes, Possible,
James Townes,
John Townes Leigh,
Malie Leigh,
Rev. William Leigh,
Martha Mary Allen Leigh,
Richard Henry Leigh,
Elizabeth Greenhill Leigh,
Cartherine Leigh,
Elizabeth J. Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Judith Townes,
John Charles Townes,
John Charles Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Edmund Walker,
Hannah Walker, and
Rebecca Walker
- [S78], Zacharia Leigh
- [S34] William and Mary Quarterly, Townse Marriages
- [S75] Unknown, Priscilla Townes and Z. G. Leigh
Townes Line | Partner of Priscilla Allen Townes (granddaughter of William Townes) |
Last Edited | 30 December 2021 10:44:00 |
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Andrew Branch (de Braunche)
M, #236, Deceased, b. 1312, d. 1349
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Rebecca Clarke Townes
F, #237, Deceased, b. about 1765
(Research):The fact that she is named Rebecca Clarke Townes and is the daughter of John Townes is evidence that John's mother was truly Rebecca Clarke.
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About 1765 | New Kent, Virginia
28 February 1784 | Amelia, Virginia
Age ~25
Birth about 1759 | Cumberland, VA
Death: May 1815
Rebecca Clarke Townes was mentioned in the will of
John Townes in 1805.
Armistead Terrell Townes; Townes Family History written 1853 by unknown; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Richard Clough,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
James Townes,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Mary Walker,
Richard Clough,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
James Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Rev. William Leigh,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Eggeleston Dick Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Ann Pride, Possible,
Eliza Meek,
James Armistead Townes,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes2023~258
William Townes; History (unknown author) based on letter written c. 1916 to a William by a grandson of Armistead Townes.; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Zachariah Greenhill Leigh,
James Townes,
Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Bettie B. Wallace,
Martha Allen Townes,
Mary Walker,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Elizabeth ("Betty") Allen,
John Leigh Townes,
Elizabeth Judith Townes, Possible,
James Townes,
John Townes Leigh,
Malie Leigh,
Rev. William Leigh,
Martha Mary Allen Leigh,
Richard Henry Leigh,
Elizabeth Greenhill Leigh,
Cartherine Leigh,
Elizabeth J. Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Judith Townes,
John Charles Townes,
John Charles Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Edmund Walker,
Hannah Walker, and
Rebecca Walker2023~258
William Townes; Early Townes Sources; W:
John Townes,
Elizabeth Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
James Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
James Townes,
Lucy Worsham,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Martha B. Townes,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Armistead Terrell Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Lavinia Mosley Townes,
Lafayette Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
Mary Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Lucy Worsham Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Cathrine Townes,
Dr. James Monroe Townes,
Lucy Finney Walker,
Mary H. Overton,
Indiana and Louisiana Townes,
Richmond Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes
- [S72] Unknown Listing Rebecca Clake Townes & Wm. Moseley
- [S80] Carter, Carribal Eck Carter. Supplied by compiler., "Moseley Family History Recollection."
Townes Line | Granddaughter of William Townes |
Last Edited | 4 December 2021 10:49:00 |
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William L. Moseley
M, #238, Deceased, b. about 1759, d. May 1815
Will of Wm Moseley (Sr? Jr?). Powhattan Co., VA, WB 5, pp. 94-97, w. 14 Jul 1814, p. 19 Jun 1816.
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Geni Website Page
William L Moseley
About 1759 | Cumberland, VA
28 February 1784 | Amelia, Virginia
Age ~19
Birth about 1765 | New Kent, Virginia
28 May 1816 | Powhatan, VA
- [S72] Unknown Listing Rebecca Clake Townes & Wm. Moseley
- [S80] Carter, Carribal Eck Carter. Supplied by compiler., "Moseley Family History Recollection."
Townes Line | Partner of Rebecca Clarke Townes (granddaughter of William Townes) |
Last Edited | 11 December 2021 13:12:00 |
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James Townes
M, #239, Deceased, b. 20 March 1770, d. 25 April 1810
He was a brotehr of Armistead Townes. He opeated a tavern.
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Birth 1778 | Chesterfield, Virginia, United States
Death: 28 October 1872 | King William, Amelia, VIRGINIA, USA
Wikitree profile of James Townes with details about
20 March 1770 | New Kent, New Kent, Virginia, United States
29 September 1792 | Amelia, Virginia, United States
Age 17
Birth 26 January 1775 | Amelia, Virginia, British Colonial America
Death: March 1795 | Amelia, Virginia, United States
James Townes was mentioned in the will of
John Townes in 1805.
About 1810
The estate of James Townes was probated about 1810 Petition for sale of land by heirs (unknown date.)
25 April 1810 | Virginia, United States
Armistead Terrell Townes; Townes Family History written 1853 by unknown; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Richard Clough,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Mary Walker,
Richard Clough,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
James Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Rev. William Leigh,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Eggeleston Dick Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Ann Pride, Possible,
Eliza Meek,
James Armistead Townes,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes2023
William Townes; History (unknown author) based on letter written c. 1916 to a William by a grandson of Armistead Townes.; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Zachariah Greenhill Leigh,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Bettie B. Wallace,
Martha Allen Townes,
Mary Walker,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Elizabeth ("Betty") Allen,
John Leigh Townes,
Elizabeth Judith Townes, Possible,
James Townes,
John Townes Leigh,
Malie Leigh,
Rev. William Leigh,
Martha Mary Allen Leigh,
Richard Henry Leigh,
Elizabeth Greenhill Leigh,
Cartherine Leigh,
Elizabeth J. Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Judith Townes,
John Charles Townes,
John Charles Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Edmund Walker,
Hannah Walker, and
Rebecca Walker2023
William Townes; Early Townes Sources; W:
John Townes,
Elizabeth Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
James Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
Lucy Worsham,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Martha B. Townes,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Armistead Terrell Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Lavinia Mosley Townes,
Lafayette Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
Mary Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Lucy Worsham Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Cathrine Townes,
Dr. James Monroe Townes,
Lucy Finney Walker,
Mary H. Overton,
Indiana and Louisiana Townes,
Richmond Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes
- [S83] Edwin Eugene Towne Towne, The Descendents of William Townes Who Came To America and Settked in Salem Mass.
- [S33] Ancestry, Ancestry Virginia Marrige Records
- [S34] William and Mary Quarterly, Townse Marriages
Townes Line | Grandson of William Townes |
Last Edited | 4 February 2024 12:56:00 |
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Rachel Marot Booker
F, #240, Deceased, b. 26 January 1775, d. March 1795
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26 January 1775 | Amelia, Virginia, British Colonial America
29 September 1792 | Amelia, Virginia, United States
Age 22
Birth 20 March 1770 | New Kent, New Kent, Virginia, United States
Death: 25 April 1810 | Virginia, United States
March 1795 | Amelia, Virginia, United States
- [S33] Ancestry, Ancestry Virginia Marrige Records
- [S34] William and Mary Quarterly, Townse Marriages
Townes Line | Partner of James Townes (grandson of William Townes) |
Last Edited | 17 September 2022 17:36:00 |
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Lucy Worsham
F, #241, Deceased, b. 1778, d. 28 October 1872
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Birth 20 March 1770 | New Kent, New Kent, Virginia, United States
Death: 25 April 1810 | Virginia, United States
1778 | Chesterfield, Virginia, United States
28 October 1872 | King William, Amelia, VIRGINIA, USA
William Townes; Early Townes Sources; W:
John Townes,
Elizabeth Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
James Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Martha B. Townes,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Armistead Terrell Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Lavinia Mosley Townes,
Lafayette Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
Mary Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Lucy Worsham Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Cathrine Townes,
Dr. James Monroe Townes,
Lucy Finney Walker,
Mary H. Overton,
Indiana and Louisiana Townes,
Richmond Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes
Townes Line | Partner of James Townes (grandson of William Townes) |
Last Edited | 15 January 2024 23:38:00 |
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Allen Townes
M, #242, Deceased, b. 20 June 1772, d. 5 February 1846
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Birth 1785 | Virginia, United States
Death: 4 September 1856 | Yalobusha, Mississippi, United States
Religious Affiliation
Allen Townes was affiliated with Gift to bethal Meeting House.
Allen Townes left a willAllen Townes estate.
20 June 1772 | New Kent, Virginia, United States
Allen Townes was mentioned in the will of
John Townes in 1805.
Armistead and John and Allen and Paschel Townes of Amelia listed among residents of Virginia in 1850.(From Towne Talk newsletter.)
1840 | Not Stated, Yalobusha, Mississippi
5 February 1846 | Yalobusha, Mississippi, United States
Armistead Terrell Townes; Townes Family History written 1853 by unknown; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Richard Clough,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Mary Walker,
Richard Clough,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
James Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Rev. William Leigh,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Eggeleston Dick Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Ann Pride, Possible,
Eliza Meek,
James Armistead Townes,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes2023
William Townes; History (unknown author) based on letter written c. 1916 to a William by a grandson of Armistead Townes.; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Zachariah Greenhill Leigh,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Bettie B. Wallace,
Martha Allen Townes,
Mary Walker,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Elizabeth ("Betty") Allen,
John Leigh Townes,
Elizabeth Judith Townes, Possible,
James Townes,
John Townes Leigh,
Malie Leigh,
Rev. William Leigh,
Martha Mary Allen Leigh,
Richard Henry Leigh,
Elizabeth Greenhill Leigh,
Cartherine Leigh,
Elizabeth J. Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Judith Townes,
John Charles Townes,
John Charles Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Edmund Walker,
Hannah Walker, and
Rebecca Walker2023
William Townes; Early Townes Sources; W:
John Townes,
Elizabeth Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
James Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Lucy Worsham,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Martha B. Townes,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Armistead Terrell Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Lavinia Mosley Townes,
Lafayette Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
Mary Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Lucy Worsham Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Cathrine Townes,
Dr. James Monroe Townes,
Lucy Finney Walker,
Mary H. Overton,
Indiana and Louisiana Townes,
Richmond Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes
Townes Line | Grandson of William Townes |
Last Edited | 18 December 2023 17:07:00 |
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Judith Jones
F, #243, Deceased, b. 1785, d. 4 September 1856
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Birth 20 June 1772 | New Kent, Virginia, United States
Death: 5 February 1846 | Yalobusha, Mississippi, United States
1785 | Virginia, United States
4 September 1856 | Yalobusha, Mississippi, United States
Armistead Terrell Townes; Townes Family History written 1853 by unknown; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Richard Clough,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Allen Townes,
Rebecca H Booker,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Mary Walker,
Richard Clough,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
James Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Rev. William Leigh,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Eggeleston Dick Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Ann Pride, Possible,
Eliza Meek,
James Armistead Townes,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes2023
William Townes; Early Townes Sources; W:
John Townes,
Elizabeth Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
James Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Lucy Worsham,
Allen Townes,
Rebecca H Booker,
Martha B. Townes,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Armistead Terrell Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Lavinia Mosley Townes,
Lafayette Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
Mary Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Lucy Worsham Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Cathrine Townes,
Dr. James Monroe Townes,
Lucy Finney Walker,
Mary H. Overton,
Indiana and Louisiana Townes,
Richmond Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes
Townes Line | Partner of Allen Townes (grandson of William Townes) |
Last Edited | 20 January 2024 01:45:00 |
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Rebecca H Booker
F, #244, Deceased, b. 1775, d. 16 January 1803
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Find A Grave Webpage
Rebecca Booker
1775 | Winterham, Amelia, Virginia, Bristish Colonial America
8 February 1800 | Amelia, Virginia, United States
Age 20
Birth 23 November 1779 | Amelia, Virginia, Bristish Colonial America
Death: 30 June 1855 | Yalobusha, Mississippi, United States
January 1803 | Booker Family Cemetery, Amelia, Virginia, United States
16 January 1803 | Amelia, Virginia, United States
Armistead Terrell Townes; Townes Family History written 1853 by unknown; W:
John Townes,
Martha Allen,
Elizabeth Townes,
Richard Clough,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Mary Walker,
Richard Clough,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
James Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Rev. William Leigh,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Eggeleston Dick Townes,
James Townes, Possible,
Ann Pride, Possible,
Eliza Meek,
James Armistead Townes,
Elizabeth Giles (Lizzie) Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes2023
William Townes; Early Townes Sources; W:
John Townes,
Elizabeth Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
James Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Lucy Worsham,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Martha B. Townes,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Armistead Terrell Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Lavinia Mosley Townes,
Lafayette Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
Mary Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Lucy Worsham Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Cathrine Townes,
Dr. James Monroe Townes,
Lucy Finney Walker,
Mary H. Overton,
Indiana and Louisiana Townes,
Richmond Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes
- [S86] [Unknown], Colonial Families of the United States
- [S25],
Townes Line | Partner of Armistead Terrell Townes (grandson of William Townes) |
Last Edited | 17 September 2022 17:36:00 |
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Martha B. Townes
F, #245, Deceased
TreeTo View Images: 1) Click on icon by thumbnail image to enlarge slightly. Close by clicking X. 2) To enlarge more click "Open Full Size" below enlarged image. 3) To zoom in more on Full Size image click Magnifying Glass icon. 3) To close Full Size image click browser's back button. (You can also download and save images.)
William Townes; Early Townes Sources; W:
John Townes,
Elizabeth Townes,
Rebecca Clarke,
Judith Townes,
Rebecca Townes,
William Townes,
Richard Townes,
James Townes,
John Townes, Jr.,
Elizabeth Leigh,
Paschal Leigh Townes,
Priscilla Allen Townes,
Rebecca Clarke Townes,
James Townes,
Lucy Worsham,
Allen Townes,
Judith Jones,
Rebecca H Booker,
Adolphus D. Townes,
Armistead Terrell Townes,
Elizabeth M. Giles,
Virginia Townes,
William Giles Townes,
Columbia Townes,
Richard Carnot Townes,
Eliza Armistead Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Edward Armstead Townes,
Lavinia Mosley Townes,
Lafayette Townes,
Amelia Rebecca A. Townes,
John Leigh Townes,
Anne Leigh Townes,
Mary Townes,
Robert Jones Townes,
Elizabeth Terrell Townes,
Lucy Worsham Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Cathrine Townes,
Dr. James Monroe Townes,
Lucy Finney Walker,
Mary H. Overton,
Indiana and Louisiana Townes,
Richmond Townes,
Martha Allen Townes,
Paschal Townes,
Ann Augusta Townes,
Mariah Townes, and
Hester Townes
Last Edited | 30 September 2021 22:28:00 |
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John Read
M, #246, Deceased
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Last Edited | 24 August 2021 09:15:00 |
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Edward Davis
M, #247, Deceased, b. 6 April 1793, d. 6 September 1869
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Allen Washington Acree, Capt.; Family History Letter from R. White; W:
Leroy Beauregard Acree,
Loyd Bernard Acree,
Vernon Darrell Acree, Sr.,
Lucy Rebecca Davis,
Ira H Acree, Sr.,
Ernest Virgil Acree,
Sarah Amelia Acree,
Lucy Allan Acree,
John Davis,
Mary Ann Davis,
Sarah Frances Davis,
Elizabeth Virginia Davis,
Rosanna Wilbourne Davis,
Martha Cowles Davis,
John Edward Davis,
Vernon Darrell Acree, Jr., and
William Leroy Acree
6 April 1793 | Kingston Parish, Mathews, Virginia, USA
22 January 1824 | Mathews, Virginia, USA
Age 21
Birth 11 August 1802 | Mathews, Virginia, United States
Death: 19 September 1869 | York, Virginia, United States
6 September 1869 | York, Virginia, USA
Frances Mildred Amelia Hudgins; Matthews and Gloucester counties; W:
Jesse E. Hudgins,
Mary Deggs Hudgins,
Sarah Foster Hudgins,
Robert Hudgins,
Charlotte Lewis,
Lucy Rebecca Davis,
Ira H Acree, Sr.,
Ernest Virgil Acree,
Sarah Amelia Acree,
Lucy Allan Acree,
Frances Ann Gwynn,
Jacob Acra,
James Harvey Acra,
William Jackson Acra,
John Gwynn,
Humphery B. Davis,
Mary Ann Davis,
Sarah Frances Davis,
Elizabeth Virginia Davis,
Martha Cowles Davis,
Amelia Davis,
Thomas Peyton Gwynn,
(Lucy) Octavia. Acree,
Thomas Acra,
Allen Washington Acree, Capt.,
Col. Walter Gwynn,
Martha Peyton Gwynn,
Jacob Acra,
Ann (Acra),
James Harvey Acra,
William J. Acra,
John Acra,
William Acra,
Rosanna Hudgins,
William D. Hudgins,
John Perrin Hudgins,
Lucina Foster Hudgins,
Jesse Hudgins, Jr.,
Humphrey Hudgins,
Humphrey Gwynn,
John Gwynn,
Edmund Gwynn,
Rev John Gwynn,
Hugh Gwynn, Col.,
Lucy Gwynn,
Ann Acra,
William Acra,
John Gwynn,
Mary Gwynn,
Julia Ann Acra,
Melvina Acra,
Melvin Franklin Acra,
James Acra,
John Acra,
Elizabeth Acra,
Elizabeth Morris,
Thomas J. Acra,
John B Acra,
James M Acra,
Elizabeth ("Bessie") Acra,
Lucy Agnes Acra, and
Jacob Henry AcraGwynn Island
Matthews County
Gloucester County
Last Edited | 10 January 2024 23:50:00 |
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Frances Mildred Amelia Hudgins
F, #248, Deceased, b. 11 August 1802, d. 19 September 1869
TreeTo View Images: 1) Click on icon by thumbnail image to enlarge slightly. Close by clicking X. 2) To enlarge more click "Open Full Size" below enlarged image. 3) To zoom in more on Full Size image click Magnifying Glass icon. 3) To close Full Size image click browser's back button. (You can also download and save images.)
John Perin Hudgins; Notes from Family Bible with Foster, Davis and Huidgins; W:
Jesse E. Hudgins,
Mary Deggs Hudgins,
Sarah Foster Hudgins,
Rosanna Hudgins,
William D. Hudgins,
John Perrin Hudgins,
Lucina Foster Hudgins,
Jesse Hudgins, Jr.,
Sarah Minter,
Robert Hudgins, Jr.,
George Ambrose Hudgins Possible,
John Foster, Jr.,
Rosie Foster,
Issac Foster,
Jessie Foster,
Amelia Foster,
Louisa Foster,
Josiah Foster,
Sallie Foster,
John Foster,
Martha Cowles Davis,
Amelia Davis,
John Davis,
Humphery B. Davis,
Mary Ann Davis,
Sarah Frances Davis,
Elizabeth Virginia Davis,
Lucy Rebecca Davis, and
Edward Davis 1802
11 August 1802 | Mathews, Virginia, United States
22 January 1824 | Mathews, Virginia, USA
Age 30
Birth 6 April 1793 | Kingston Parish, Mathews, Virginia, USA
Death: 6 September 1869 | York, Virginia, USA
1850 | York county, York, Virginia, United States
1860 | York, Virginia, United States
19 September 1869 | York, Virginia, United States
Jesse E. Hudgins; Facebook Talk with local historian; W:
Sarah Minter,
John ("Noble") Hudgins,
John Perin Hudgins,
Mary Deggs Hudgins,
Sarah Foster Hudgins,
John Hudgins,
Rosanna Hudgins,
William D. Hudgins,
John Perrin Hudgins,
Lucina Foster Hudgins,
Thomas Diggs Hudgins,
Jesse Hudgins, Jr.,
Humphrey Hudgins, and
John Foster, Jr.,
2023; Matthews and Gloucester counties; W:
Edward Davis,
Jesse E. Hudgins,
Mary Deggs Hudgins,
Sarah Foster Hudgins,
Robert Hudgins,
Charlotte Lewis,
Lucy Rebecca Davis,
Ira H Acree, Sr.,
Ernest Virgil Acree,
Sarah Amelia Acree,
Lucy Allan Acree,
Frances Ann Gwynn,
Jacob Acra,
James Harvey Acra,
William Jackson Acra,
John Gwynn,
Humphery B. Davis,
Mary Ann Davis,
Sarah Frances Davis,
Elizabeth Virginia Davis,
Martha Cowles Davis,
Amelia Davis,
Thomas Peyton Gwynn,
(Lucy) Octavia. Acree,
Thomas Acra,
Allen Washington Acree, Capt.,
Col. Walter Gwynn,
Martha Peyton Gwynn,
Jacob Acra,
Ann (Acra),
James Harvey Acra,
William J. Acra,
John Acra,
William Acra,
Rosanna Hudgins,
William D. Hudgins,
John Perrin Hudgins,
Lucina Foster Hudgins,
Jesse Hudgins, Jr.,
Humphrey Hudgins,
Humphrey Gwynn,
John Gwynn,
Edmund Gwynn,
Rev John Gwynn,
Hugh Gwynn, Col.,
Lucy Gwynn,
Ann Acra,
William Acra,
John Gwynn,
Mary Gwynn,
Julia Ann Acra,
Melvina Acra,
Melvin Franklin Acra,
James Acra,
John Acra,
Elizabeth Acra,
Elizabeth Morris,
Thomas J. Acra,
John B Acra,
James M Acra,
Elizabeth ("Bessie") Acra,
Lucy Agnes Acra, and
Jacob Henry AcraGwynn Island
Matthews County
Gloucester County
Last Edited | 13 January 2024 19:15:00 |
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John Davis
M, #249, Deceased, b. 22 October 1824
TreeTo View Images: 1) Click on icon by thumbnail image to enlarge slightly. Close by clicking X. 2) To enlarge more click "Open Full Size" below enlarged image. 3) To zoom in more on Full Size image click Magnifying Glass icon. 3) To close Full Size image click browser's back button. (You can also download and save images.)
Allen Washington Acree, Capt.; Family History Letter from R. White; W:
Leroy Beauregard Acree,
Loyd Bernard Acree,
Vernon Darrell Acree, Sr.,
Lucy Rebecca Davis,
Ira H Acree, Sr.,
Ernest Virgil Acree,
Sarah Amelia Acree,
Lucy Allan Acree,
Edward Davis,
Mary Ann Davis,
Sarah Frances Davis,
Elizabeth Virginia Davis,
Rosanna Wilbourne Davis,
Martha Cowles Davis,
John Edward Davis,
Vernon Darrell Acree, Jr., and
William Leroy Acree
John Perin Hudgins; Notes from Family Bible with Foster, Davis and Huidgins; W:
Frances Mildred Amelia Hudgins,
Jesse E. Hudgins,
Mary Deggs Hudgins,
Sarah Foster Hudgins,
Rosanna Hudgins,
William D. Hudgins,
John Perrin Hudgins,
Lucina Foster Hudgins,
Jesse Hudgins, Jr.,
Sarah Minter,
Robert Hudgins, Jr.,
George Ambrose Hudgins Possible,
John Foster, Jr.,
Rosie Foster,
Issac Foster,
Jessie Foster,
Amelia Foster,
Louisa Foster,
Josiah Foster,
Sallie Foster,
John Foster,
Martha Cowles Davis,
Amelia Davis,
Humphery B. Davis,
Mary Ann Davis,
Sarah Frances Davis,
Elizabeth Virginia Davis,
Lucy Rebecca Davis, and
Edward Davis 1824
22 October 1824 | York, Virginia, USA
Last Edited | 24 August 2021 09:15:00 |
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Humphery B. Davis
M, #250, Deceased, b. 1826, d. 20 October 1865
TreeTo View Images: 1) Click on icon by thumbnail image to enlarge slightly. Close by clicking X. 2) To enlarge more click "Open Full Size" below enlarged image. 3) To zoom in more on Full Size image click Magnifying Glass icon. 3) To close Full Size image click browser's back button. (You can also download and save images.)
John Perin Hudgins; Notes from Family Bible with Foster, Davis and Huidgins; W:
Frances Mildred Amelia Hudgins,
Jesse E. Hudgins,
Mary Deggs Hudgins,
Sarah Foster Hudgins,
Rosanna Hudgins,
William D. Hudgins,
John Perrin Hudgins,
Lucina Foster Hudgins,
Jesse Hudgins, Jr.,
Sarah Minter,
Robert Hudgins, Jr.,
George Ambrose Hudgins Possible,
John Foster, Jr.,
Rosie Foster,
Issac Foster,
Jessie Foster,
Amelia Foster,
Louisa Foster,
Josiah Foster,
Sallie Foster,
John Foster,
Martha Cowles Davis,
Amelia Davis,
John Davis,
Mary Ann Davis,
Sarah Frances Davis,
Elizabeth Virginia Davis,
Lucy Rebecca Davis, and
Edward Davis 1826
1826 | Mathews Virginia
31 January 1850 | Norfolk, Virginia
Age ~19
Birth 1831 | Mathews Virginia
Death: 1910
20 October 1865 | Mathews, Virginia, USA
Frances Mildred Amelia Hudgins; Matthews and Gloucester counties; W:
Edward Davis,
Jesse E. Hudgins,
Mary Deggs Hudgins,
Sarah Foster Hudgins,
Robert Hudgins,
Charlotte Lewis,
Lucy Rebecca Davis,
Ira H Acree, Sr.,
Ernest Virgil Acree,
Sarah Amelia Acree,
Lucy Allan Acree,
Frances Ann Gwynn,
Jacob Acra,
James Harvey Acra,
William Jackson Acra,
John Gwynn,
Mary Ann Davis,
Sarah Frances Davis,
Elizabeth Virginia Davis,
Martha Cowles Davis,
Amelia Davis,
Thomas Peyton Gwynn,
(Lucy) Octavia. Acree,
Thomas Acra,
Allen Washington Acree, Capt.,
Col. Walter Gwynn,
Martha Peyton Gwynn,
Jacob Acra,
Ann (Acra),
James Harvey Acra,
William J. Acra,
John Acra,
William Acra,
Rosanna Hudgins,
William D. Hudgins,
John Perrin Hudgins,
Lucina Foster Hudgins,
Jesse Hudgins, Jr.,
Humphrey Hudgins,
Humphrey Gwynn,
John Gwynn,
Edmund Gwynn,
Rev John Gwynn,
Hugh Gwynn, Col.,
Lucy Gwynn,
Ann Acra,
William Acra,
John Gwynn,
Mary Gwynn,
Julia Ann Acra,
Melvina Acra,
Melvin Franklin Acra,
James Acra,
John Acra,
Elizabeth Acra,
Elizabeth Morris,
Thomas J. Acra,
John B Acra,
James M Acra,
Elizabeth ("Bessie") Acra,
Lucy Agnes Acra, and
Jacob Henry AcraGwynn Island
Matthews County
Gloucester County
Last Edited | 24 August 2021 09:15:00 |
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