Charts of different family lines and ancestors. Plus maps of the areas most ancestors lived. 1) Press small icon to enlarge. 2) Press "Open Full Size" to enlarge. 3) Press Magnifying Glass to zoom into sections. (You can move focus by clicking in enlarged image and moving Magnifying Glass).....4) Press browser's back button to close image.
4Hour Glass of Frances Moseley Branch
7Hour Glass of Frances Peyton
a4Ancestors of Anna Blount de Rossett
Acree Acra
Ancestors of Thomas Ligon (Great Grandfather of Peyton Townes)
Christopher Branch
Descendants of Horace Breeden
Descendants of Jacob Acra
Descendants of John Townes
Glass of Frances Gwynn Giles
Hour Glass Adolphus D. Townes
Hour Glass of Adolphus D. Townes
Hour Glass of Frances Ann Gwynn
Hour Glass of John Edmund Pearce
Hour Glass of Louise Rutland
Hour Glass of William Branch Giles
james Pearce
Richardson Breeden
Robert Peyton
Thomas Ligon
Thomas Wallacer